Seems like this fall will be a hot one: I finally turn 30 and seriously hope to grow up then. And since my birthday even is on a saturday I took the chance to invite all my friends and musical father-figures to rock the party at the Kolbhalle. The Phoneheads, The Green Man, J-Cut, Ames and Sektion Bewegtbild will provide some classic tunes & videos from the last 10 years.
One week later we start a new series of parties at the good ol’ Studio 674. For more than 60 years the friday was totally into Kompakt‘s hands and techno was the only sound allowed in those holy halls. But after a testrun this summer, we figured out how fat the soundsystem is and how well it plays our beloved basslines. Starting with the drum & bass bundesliga we will host parties with mostly german acts and try to put an end to the booking-cold-war that raged in the last years in Cologne. We will show you that it’s not always about the big names and we’ll continue to support the german scene as much as possible…
August 31st, 2006
Please, spread the word!
(For non-germans: Beckmann is the worst sports-commentator ever heard on german TV. We havt to stop him from commenting the finals!)
July 4th, 2006
Alright alright, ‘nough of the bold screaming, but I’m still high on adrenaline after the breathtaking final last night in Braunschweig…
Man, that was my first real DJ-battle ever and we just won the fuckin championchip! Dirk D. & MC Temper from FC Werder One Nation Bremen were real tough to crack, but in the end Double J & me definitively shot more goals than them and took home the cup.
I learned the rules for the final in my car, 1 1/2 hours before the show and was not quite prepared. I thought every team had 45mins to play their set, but President Lyde Buddah spontaneously changed the rules a bit. The timetable was:
1) DJ without MC: 25 minutes each
2) MC acapella: 1 minute each
3) DJ & MC together for 25 minutes.
After each round the crowd was asked to scream for the team who they thought were the best. We clearly won round 1 & 2, the decision in round 3 was not made because it was so close and we had won the championship anyway…
Now we have this pimpin big championchip cup and we are proud like oskar to have battled out all those strong teams. Biggup to all the crowd who supported us in Braunschweig and of course the dons Lyda Buddah and mystic Mystic Dan, who is one of the best german ragga / drum & bass MCs I know!
More pics & maybe my winning set soon…
June 3rd, 2006
After a long time of hard work on the road I finally found the time to finish a fresh drum & bass mix. It contains my favourite tracks from the last weeks and 2 exclusive, unreleased tunes that I produced together with Mr. Scheibenreiter and nasty J-Cut. Especially “flautas felizes” got some great feedback from the dancefloor massive, we hope to release it soon 😉
Now that the Scorpions tour is over I’m finally fed up with playing stupid chords in the far corner of the stage and I will now concentrate again on my turntable skills. Fuck that handmade music, I want a rinsin’ bass with propper beats!
Here you can download the mix in 192kbit quality:
Kolt Siewerts – Truckdriver Mix – June 06
June 1st, 2006
The line of surprisingly great parties magically continues. In Münster (usually called “cop-town” because you can spend a night in jail there for walking over the red lights) the opening of Theresa Frölichs exhibition “Soul Surfer” escalated in joy without being shut down by the police: We’ve put the soundsystem in front of the venue and started a jumpup party right away. People were dancing right on the street, taxi drivers honked madly but the whole night not a single cop drove down that street and no neighbor called the police. That was some of those small miracles of which my favorite movie “Magnolia” is full of 😉
Jena unsurprisingly was one big blast. Hanging out with uncle real, the phoneheads, mischer, matik, chopper, angel dust, racoon, apo 33, politone, separat, amon, phowa, reef was like a big family meeting. The crowd was wicked and the top secret “Flautas Felizes” track by howie & chance passed the dancefloor test. I hope we will be back soon…
May 16th, 2006
Wow, what a party. That was surely the best party (maybe besides the Aphrodite joint at the Stadtgarten in ’04) i ever played at. Incredible crowd and an overwhelming vibe. Thanks to everybody who made this party possible…
Pictures and Part 2 & 3 of the recording of the band & djs will be online soon…
Part 1 : Hip Hop : Poetic Rock & Flowmega on the Mic + Moog & Double J
>> Download (2:02 h / 128 kbit / 112 MB)
Part 2 : Drum & Bass : Kolt Siewerts + J-Cut & Flowmega on the Mic + Mundharmonika & Double J
>> Download (2:07 h / 128 kbit / 116 MB)
Part 3 : Drum & Bass : Jumpat + J-Cut + Kolt Siewerts & Double J
>> Download (2:04 h / 128 kbit / 114 MB)
More Pics on >>

May 2nd, 2006

… so we get a “float” (kirmeswagen) at the Loveparade 😉
Login here and vote for the club “Die Insel”.
More infos here.
April 28th, 2006

April 26th, 2006
Über die Jahre hat sich Kolt Siewerts seine Stellung in der rheinischen Drum & Bass-Szene mit Skills und guten Vibes erarbeitet. Seine 1998 gestarteten Wednesdaybreaks-Abende im Düsseldorfer Unique trugen nicht umsonst den Titel “Bolzplatz”: Fallrückzieher, Sonnenschein und Kopfballtor machen eben mehr Spaß als Donnerschlag, Schrottplatz und brennende Müllonnen. Fröhlich ohne cheesy zu sein, fett ohne Düsterkeit.
Continue Reading April 21st, 2006
Download: Mit Bild, Text & Logo (1,8 MB .zip)
April 21st, 2006
View my English Bio…
Continue Reading April 21st, 2006
While visiting my record store every week has become some sort of routine, finding an “Artist unknown” label on a new record still makes me childishly exited. What if that would be a killer remix of “Dub be good to me” and not just another stupid bootleg?
Download Mix (128 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
Recorded at a nice party in Leipzig, blending some nu shit with all time faves.
MC Zhi gave everything that night but is not on the tape 🙁 Shouts to the Mother’s Finest crew!.
Download Mix (192 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
instead of a normal playlist, here are some thoughts on my favorite tracks 2004. contact me for more details 😉
1) 0:00 – some crank future hip hop with one of my favorite rappers
2) 3:33 – finally a great tune after some years of boring stuff from these inventors of wall-of-sound-drum&bass
3) 5:20 – my master of trance & bass with a deep good looking release. never surrender!
4) 8:54 – this is the best ravetrack of 2004. massive respect to austria.
5) 13:51 – one of my favorite tracks from the 90s, finally ready for the next millenium.
6) 15:38 – one of those raggaerave tracks that appeared this year, fell in love with the sample…
7) 18:07 – a drum&bass pioneer who does some phat hip hop tracks worth mentioning
8) 20:05 – taken from my favorite lp this year, i like the human beatbox vocal 😉
9) 23:35 – i hate this 80s revival, but in this anthem it just works!
10) 27:08 – 90s revival, here we come.
11) 31:40 – my favorite bassline this year
12) 32:34 – 2 huge mc tracks battle for the crown, who wins? this one?
13) 37:45 – or this one? i think this one, because of the funny off-beat-singing.
14) 42:53 – best track 2004
15) 47:19 – a pioneer returns to his roots, i love it!
16) 51:17 – this is a little appetizer for a great album that will be out in february!
17) 56:57 – the deepest track this year
Download Mix (128 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
60 minutes for concrete junglists, honeys and submarines.
Download Mix (128 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
Got some great feedback to this mix from all over the world. Starts with one of my favourite Hip Hop tracks of all time….
Download Mix (128 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
Heavily influenced by my tour with the Dub Pistols I’ve hidden some sweet breakbeatz into some heavy & trancey Drum & Bass tracks.
Download Mix (128 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
From a time when i was part of the basswerk label / crew.
Expect some german stuff mixed with harder beats & fat bootlegs.
Download Mix (96 kbit/s mp3)
April 21st, 2006
Download: Bio, Pic & Logo (1,8 MB .zip)
April 21st, 2006
J-Cut & me will play at the Loveparade this summer 😉 Thanks to hns & the audiomassive crew we will play at “Die Insel” in Berlin on the 14th of July. Drum & bass ambassadors…
April 20th, 2006
Yeah, thanks to the magic design skills of Christian Hedel, i finally have my own site 😉 Enjoy and tell me what you think!
April 20th, 2006
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My Dates
No more updates here
Sorry guys, I'm a bad blogger, please just follow me on facebook and you will see all my dates.
May '11
28.5. / PLAGBEATZ Festival / Leipzig
20.5. / LICHTBLICK & PLAY! #Bassday# / Arttheater Köln
6.5. / PLAY! / Odonien Köln
April '11
30.4. / Rhythmusgymnastik Tanz in den Mai / Opernterassen Köln
March '11
25.3. / PLAY! presents Trolley Snatcha, DJ Die, Youngman / Papierfabrik Abrissparty Köln
11.3. / Drumsound & Bassline Smith / Nosliw & PLAY! Crew / Papierfabrik / Köln
February '11
11.2. / Addicted to Bass feat Bad Company, Diaz-Soto & Kolt Siewerts / Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin
5.2. / PLAY! Xtralarge feat. Chase & Status / Papierfabrik / Köln
January '11
28.1. / Jaycut & Kolt Siewerts / Kassablanca, Jena
15.1. / Jaycut & Kolt Siewerts / Darmstadt
7.1. / PLAY! Xtralarge / Papierfabrik / Köln
December '10
18.12. / Addicted to Bass feat Bad Company, Diaz-Soto & Kolt Siewerts / Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin
November '10
5.11. / PLAY! presents John B / Papierfabrik, Köln
October '10
1.10. / PLAY! pres. Oldschool, Baby! / Studio 672, Köln
September '10
3.9. / PLAY! presents DJ FRESH / Papierfabrik, Köln
August '10
20.8. / PLAY! vs. Basslieb / Odonien, Köln
13.8. / Rheinfeuern / Odonien, Köln
July '10
23.7. / Stadtfest / Zweibrücken
10.7. / PLAY! Festival feat. Camo & Krooked / Odonien, Köln
2.7. / DnB Bundesliga Finale / Brain, Braunschweig
June '10
12.6. / Abschlußparty / Videofestival Bochum
4.6. / PLAY! / Studio 672, Köln
May '10
7.5. / PLAY! feat. Kaoss Kontrol / Studio 672, Köln
April '10
30.4. / Tanz in den Mai feat. Storm / U-Club Wuppertal
24.4. / Raumklang # 6 / 2 Raum, Schwetzingen
24.4. / Raumklang # 6 / 2 Raum, Schwetzingen
2.4. / Haiti Benefiz / Stadtgarten, Köln
March '10
5.3. / DnB Bundesliga / Brain, Braunschweig
February '10
5.2. / PLAY! feat. Heist / Studio 672, Köln
January '10
29.1. / DnB Bundesliga feat. Lyde Buddha & Mystic Dan / Stadtgarten Köln
15.1. / Unique Gera
December 09
18.12 / PLAY! & Voodoo Weihnachtsfeier / Studio 672, Köln
04.12 / PLAY! & Interference / Apropo, Köln
November 09
28.11 / 20h: Plattensport / Kölncampus Radio
06.11 / PLAY! feat. Mura & Merzo / Studio 672, Köln
October 09
02.10 / play! All Area / Stadtgarten Köln
September 09
11.09 / Rheinfeuern / Odonien, Köln
04.09 / PLAY! feat. Dyna / Studio 672, Köln
August 09
28.08. / Kassablanca / Jena
01.08. / Juicy Beats Festival / Dortmund
July 09
25.07. / Operation WIcked Stepmother / 3 Raum Wohnung Bonn
18.07. / Sächsischer Bahnhof / Gera
June 09
10.06 / U-Club Wuppertal
05.06 / PLAY! feat. DJ Freeze & Soulpride / Studio 672
May 09
01.05. / PLAY! feat. ourselves / Studio 672
April 09
03.04. / PLAY! feat. X-NO-ARCHIVE / Studio 672
March 09
06.03. / PLAY! feat. Interference / Studio 672
February 09
06.02. / PLAY! feat. the Award / Studio 672
21.02. / Club Trinidad Reloaded / FZW Essen
December 08
05.12. / PLAY! feat. the green man / Studio 672
November 08
01.11. / Rheinfeuern / Kolbhalle
07.11. / PLAY! feat. Bassface Sascha / Studio 672
October 08
02.10. / PLAY! & Pathfinder present:
DJ Marky & John B
Essigfabrik Köln
September 08
05.09. / PLAY! / Studio 672
August 08
29.08. / Studio 672 Allstars / Studio 672
July 08
04.07. / Drum & Bass Bundesliga / Brain Club, Braunschweig
June 08
06.06. / PLAY! feat. Lightwood / Studio 672
May 08
02.05. / PLAY! feat. Dyna / Studio 672
April 08
04.04. / PLAY! feat. Freesteppa / Studio 672
March 08
07.03. / PLAY! feat. D.KAY / Studio 672
February 08
01.02. / PLAY! / Studio 672
January 08
19.01. / beatclub / Kaiserslautern
12.01. / Beats on wheels: DJ Food / Sensor Köln
04.01. / PLAY! / Studio 672
December 07
15.12. / Rheinfeuern / Kolbhalle Köln
07.12. / PLAY! feat. Connecta / Studio 672
11.09. / TILT & DCC: Adam F / Gebäude 9 Köln
05.10. / Bass Booster / Scheune Dresden
02.10. / Projekt Patchwork #4 / Stadtgarten Köln
21.09. / Rythmusgymnastik / Sensor Club Köln
07.09. / Pleasure Island Festival / Linz A
01.09. / Beats on Wheels / Kolbhalle Köln
22.06. / Skulptur Projekte Münster - Freihaus / Kino Metropolis
02.06. / Massive pres. "THE GERMAN CONNECTION PART I" / Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin
01.06. / PLAY! / Studio 672 Köln